Jasmine "Ralph" Monterroso - Summer 2024

Jasmine "Ralph" Monterroso - Summer 2024

Name: Jasmine "Ralph" Monterroso

Volunteering Since: 2015

This summer, I want to give a shout out to a volunteer who was worked very hard on behalf of Candlelighters this year! Jasmine, who goes by “Ralph” at camp, is a bereaved sibling. They started their journey with Candlelighters in 2010, when their older brother was diagnosed and was a bereaved camper during their second and last years at camp. Ralph has volunteered for Camp Firefly since 2015 in honor of her brother and to be there for kids going through the same circumstances.

Ralph is one of the most artistic people we know, and we have called on her to provide several auction-able art pieces, create logos, and provide artistic guidance to Candlelighters kids at camp. Kiddos and counselors alike are absolutely in love with the t shirt design for Camp Firefly World Tour. She loves connecting with the kiddos more than anything and really enjoyed when the Roadies introduced themselves to the kids this year!

Favorite Volunteer Project: “I personally love CAMP! Every other project is cool, too, but it's gotta be Camp Firefly. All the way. Doing arts and crafts with the kiddos and teachin' them how to make paracord stuff is way cool! I've also been involved artistically with a small handful of projects now. Camp Firefly, Glamp Out, Superhero 5k, shineGOLD currently... Many more to come!”

Please share a meaningful memory from volunteering with us: "Oh, that's hard. Connecting with kiddos at camp has always been the heart and soul of volunteering for me. This year, Roadies introduced themselves to campers at their cabins soon after camp started, so they could get familiar with us as the helpers for all the candlelighters-run activities. Having kids recognize us by camp name and thank us for what we do always warmed my heart in a way nothing could compare!"

Anything to tell the world?: “Drink water! It's hot out there in the world, and I know we could use more water! Stay hydrated! ♥️”