Adopt-a-Family Program

The Adopt-A-Family Program has been created to help Candlelighters Families, whose focus is on their child’s illness, enjoy the holiday season without any additional stress or worries through the generosity of wonderful caring donors within the Las Vegas community.

When a family spends much of their time in the hospital or clinic with their child undergoing treatments, they are overwhelmed by the many co-pays for doctor visits, hospital stays, and prescriptions, or they lose their child to this disease, the holidays can be tough. Most families do not have the emotional or financial means to go shopping for gifts. Your generosity allows our families the opportunity to celebrate the holidays and provide a sense of normalcy for the diagnosed child, their siblings, and their parents. 

How do families qualify for the program?
Families must have a child diagnosed with cancer and currently receiving treatment or have recently completed treatment. We also include bereaved families that have recently lost their child to cancer.

Who in the family is included in the program?
The diagnosed child and the siblings who reside with them. Parents do not submit wish lists; however, they do list household needs should you wish to assist with those.

How many children are in a family?
Family sizes vary. When completing the adopter form you will select the number of children you would like to provide Christmas to.

How many families can I adopt?
You can adopt as many families you would like with the number of children for each family.

What information do I receive from the family?
You will receive a detailed wish list that the family has competed for each child, household needs are also included. You will also receive a picture and a short story detailing the family’s cancer journey. All adopters are required to maintain confidentiality of all family information shared with them.

What type of items are included on their wish list and what am I expected to provide?
Detailed information including size, style, and color preference for clothing, outerwear, and shoes. Favorite color and a favorite character are included if they have one. They are asked to list three to five gift and gift card ideas. Families are discouraged from including cell phones, laptops, and gaming devices. The family also includes any reasonable household needs they have.

We recommend that each child in the family receive at a minimum two clothing outfits and two to three gifts or gift cards dependent on items on the list and cost. You have the ability to designate whether or not you would like to help with household needs on the donor form. The average adopter will spend $200 - $250 per child.

When will I receive the family’s information?
We start matching adopters and families in the middle of November. We strive to have all families matched and the corresponding information to each adopter no later than November 19th. Adopters and Families are matched on a first come first served basis whenever possible. Every year we have several families that receive the horrible news of a cancer diagnosis for their child in October and November. We are always in need of donors that can wait until the end of November to be matched.

Do I wrap the gifts?
Please wrap all gifts and label with the child’s name. Household needs do not need to be wrapped.

How are gifts delivered to the family?
When completing your donor form you will have the ability to be anonymous or to deliver the gifts to the family. If you select to remain anonymous, you will deliver the gifts to the Candlelighters office and staff will arrange for the families to receive their gifts.

Keeping Family Information Confidential.
We know that many of our adopters will resource with friends, family, co-workers and clients for the family they have adopted for the holiday. We ask that you protect the privacy of our families. Please do not use or distribute the last name of anyone in the family or their contact information.

Can I keep in touch with my Adopt-a-Family?
Adopt-a-Family matches are meant to be a one-time seasonal interaction to help a family through the holidays. You are not required or obligated to remain in contact or continue to support the family outside this one-time holiday assistance. However, we understand that during the process adopters and adoptees may become bonded and continue to interact. We do ask that you do not continue to support the family financially and if they ask for additional financial assistance, please refer them to contact the Candlelighters Office.