We have a lot of extraordinary news to share with you at our 5th annual Everyday Extraordinary Breakfast!
2024 is a leap year, and it happens that it will mark a giant leap for us at Candlelighters and everyone we serve here in Southern Nevada! For one, it's our 45th anniversary, which is a huge milestone for us and one that we'll be celebrating all year long. It's also the year we'll be moving full steam ahead with some game-changing new projects we have in the works. But that's all we can tell you here.
To learn more and to see where this giant leap will take us in 2024 and beyond, please join us for an event that's sure to be extraordinary and inspiring.
Take the leap with us and RSVP today!
Sponsorship Still Available
To become a sponsor, email Jackie Trueblood at jtrueblood@candlelightersnv.org