

This is the story of Isaac:


In 2006, at four-years old, Isaac was diagnosed with osteosarcoma.

His mother, Armida, recalls him complaining of leg pain. She took Isaac to the pediatrician and, on initial checkup, she was told Isaac was fine. However, when the pain persisted she took him back and insisted on x-rays and an MRI which revealed his diagnosis. 

Armida says when she first heard the news, she thought the doctor must be wrong and it was hard to accept. “The date of his diagnosis is still a rough day for me because it was life-changing.”

Following 10 months of chemotherapy, Isaac’s doctor told his family the best chance for his survival was to amputate his leg and undergo a procedure called a rotation plasy, which rotates the leg bone and foot allowing Isaac’s leg to grow with the rest of his body and limit the number of subsequent surgeries.

Armida says that despite this setback, Isaac kept his spirits up. “We didn’t have to cope as much as what you would think because he handled everything so well and we fed off of him. He was so brave and very positive. Isaac took it all in stride and he was always really happy and never had any issues.”

According to Armida, Candlelighters played a big role in Isaac’s recovery. Candlelighters was there for their family when Isaac was in the hospital and have been active in his life since. In fact, just a few years ago, Isaac was one of the “Riders for Candlelighters Kids” that participated in the 60-mile Tour de Summerlin bike race to raise funds for the organization’s mission.

“It was pretty cool,” Isaac says. “I wasn’t just riding for fun, it was going to a good cause. It was fun, but it gave me more pride in doing it and the struggle was worth it because I knew it would help families who needed it.”

A 21-years old, Isaac continued his involvement with Candlelighters. “I have a lot of connections with people. Camp and Teen Scene were some of his favorites. It’s interesting because you’re with a lot of people who have a somewhat similar experience to what you went through. It’s just fascinating to see that you can forget about your past and not have to worry about people thinking that you look different or thinking about what happened to you. Being with other kids who share your experience just makes you feel like you fit in.”

Looking back on what he went through Isaac believes “we all have experiences in life that are meant to strengthen us, and there is no greater test in life than having to go through cancer. Use this experience to become an even greater person than you were beforehand. You will have to go through some struggles, but that is what will shape you into who you are, and you should own that with pride. Whatever challenges life may throw your way, know that you can always overcome them and keep moving forward!”